Category Archives: Dental Impants

Be prepared for your dental implant consultation in Basingstoke

If you are considering dental implants to restore your smile and oral function, you are encouraged to schedule a consultation with a dentist to learn more about the procedure, the expected results, and the cost of dental implants in Basingstoke.

At Glenholme Dental in Basingstoke, dental implants are our treatment of choice for replacing one or several missing teeth. Unlike conventional dentures and bridges, dental implants are strong, durable and can last a lifetime with proper care. Dr James Kleiber and his team are here to answer your questions and determine if dental implants are right for you.

Dental Implants in BasingstokeOral examination

The first part of an implant consultation involves a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. Dr Kleiber will examine the quantity and quality of the bone in the area from which the teeth were extracted. For dental implants to be successful, the ridge must have a minimal thickness of bone. Dr Kleiber will also examine the rest of your teeth and look for signs of gum disease or tooth decay.

He will then take some x-rays of your jawbone to discover the best locations for the placement of your dental implants. He may also perform a computer tomography scan (CT scan).

Discussion and case treatment plan

Discussing your health background and lifestyle habits with Dr Kleiber is necessary so he can decide on the best dental implant procedure. He will want to know if you smoke or take medications, suffer from diabetes or heart disease and what your oral care routine looks like. Once he has all these information, Dr Kleiber will answer your questions, discuss the dental implant treatments available and help you decide which one is the best for your individual case. These may include implant-supported dentures and bridges, single tooth implants, All-on-4 dental implants or other options.

Once you decide on the treatment, Dr Kleiber will create a personalised treatment plan and review the details with you. The most important points include the number of dental visits required, sedation options, post-surgery and healing issues, taking care of your dental implants and overall cost.

If you want to learn more about dental implants in Basingstoke, contact us today.

Dental implants in Basingstoke: post-operative care

Placing dental implants involves a simple procedure. However, post-operative care is really important in order to ensure that your dental implants heal properly. Unnecessary pain and the complications of infection and swelling can be minimised if you follow the instructions of your dentist carefully.

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants in Basingstoke is a straightforward procedure and no one wants to have any kind of complications or failure after the operation. For this reason, at Glenholme Dental Centre, we give clear instructions to our patients and we advise them to visit frequently for routine check-ups and cleanings.

Dental Implants in BasingstokeWhat to do and not to do after the operation

The effects of local anaesthesia normally last 3-4 hours. However, patients who have opted for sedation will need more time to return to their normal activities, and it is recommended that they always bring someone to drive them home.

In the first few weeks after the implant operation, you should avoid eating hard foods. Soft, nutritious food is recommended for at least two weeks and then you can start re-introducing certain foods into your diet. It is also important to avoid touching the implant sites with your tongue or your fingers as they may become infected.

If you keep bleeding and the swelling does not go away, carefully place an ice pack on your cheek and take some anti-inflammatory drugs. If the symptoms continue for more than a week, visiting the dentist is imperative, since they might be something wrong with the integration of the dental implants.

In the first few days after the operation, avoid brushing directly on the implant sites. Instead, use a soft toothbrush and rinse with the mouthwash that your dentist will provide. This keeps your mouth clean and minimises infection.

Avoid physical exercise for a few weeks, since it may cause bleeding or affect your stiches. Please remember that smoking is strongly discouraged, since it delays the healing process.

Overall, it is really important to maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine at home and attend your check-up appointments. Your dentist will monitor your progress and will let you know as soon as your dental implants in Basingstoke heal.

Dental implants in Basingstoke – what to expect during your consultation

Choosing the most viable treatment to restore your missing teeth is an important decision that will affect your appearance and oral health for years to come.

At Glenhomle Dental Centre, we try to make this decision as simple as possible by offering dental implants in Basingstoke. Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants are embedded into the jawbone, where they create a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function just like real teeth.

Dental Implants in BasingstokeYour implant consultation

If you would like a personalised treatment plan and to find out exactly what we can do for your missing teeth, then a comprehensive consultation with one of our dentists will be ideal. We individually tailor each course of treatment so that it lightens any anxiety you may have, in addition to restoring function and aesthetics to your smile.

Our dentist will perform a thorough examination of your teeth and gums in order to determine the quality and density of your jawbone. This examination may involve x-rays for a clearer view of your jawbone. If you have inadequate bone density, we will discuss all your available options.

We will also question you about your oral hygiene routine, your medical and oral health history as well as personal habits, such as smoking, that may affect the success of the implant surgery. Smoking, for example, may disqualify a patient, because tobacco impedes the healing process. Moreover, patients who suffer from uncontrolled diabetes or heart disease will be evaluated on an individual basis.

During the consultation process, you will be given the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. Based on the results of your examination, we will explore all the available options to find those best suited to your dental needs. Even if you cannot have traditional dental implants in Basingstoke, there are numerous implant treatments to choose from including All-on-4 dental implants.

We are here to help you

In order to get the most out of your implant consultation, we advise you to do some research and prepare questions prior to your appointment. To book a consultation appointment, please contact us today.

Dental Implants: your key to brand new teeth

Many people who have lost teeth may go through the same thought process after tooth loss. Worrying about the future of your teeth is completely natural.

The panic caused by tooth loss may encourage you to search for the most reliable and viable methods of tooth replacement. You’ll probably find that dental implants are your best option for permanent tooth replacement.

Dental Implants in BasingstokeHere at Glenholme Dental in Basingstoke, dental implants can be provided to replace any number of missing teeth. This is possible because a range of different appliances can be attached to dental implants. Different types of teeth replacement can fill different sized gaps.

With dental implants you don’t need an implant to support each missing tooth so, a single dental implant could support up to three replacement teeth.

How dental implants work

In Basingstoke, dental implants are inserted during a minor surgical procedure. During this procedure, a small hole is created in your jaw to allow a screw to be inserted. The aim is for the screw to have maximum contact with the bone to encourage integration.

Over a period of weeks, the bone will integrate with the screw creating a stable anchor for replacement teeth to be attached.

This type of implant can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth with a bridge or even support a whole set of dentures. When supporting dentures, dental implants generally need two implants on both the top and the bottom of the jaw to support the dentures.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants have so many benefits over other, more antiquated forms of tooth replacement. We’ve all heard the stories from denture users of discomfort and lack of practicality and function.

These problems come because the dentures don’t stimulate the jawbone and the gums in the way they require. Dental implants do provide this stimulation and this helps to keep your jawbone, gums and lip muscles feeling and looking healthy.

Overall, dental implants in Basingstoke are considered to be the closest thing you can get to new natural teeth. This is because they work in much the same way, supporting the rest of your natural teeth and providing a platform for replacement teeth.

Dental implants in Basingstoke: what to expect during your consultation appointment

If you have lost a tooth or many teeth, due to an accident, infection, or simply old age, dental implants offer a viable replacement option. At Glenholme Dental Centre, we provide dental implants in Basingstoke as a permanent solution to tooth loss that can restore both the appearance and function of your smile.

During your initial consultation, you will meet with our experienced dentists, who can discuss all your treatment options and alternatives. Any concerns, such as your medical history, medications, necessary consultations with your doctors, and sedation options will also be discussed during this appointment. We are here to make you feel comfortable and answer all of your questions on dental implants in Basingstoke.

ental Implants in BasingstokeConsultation for dental implants

Dental implants are surgically fixed in the jawbone to simulate the root of the tooth. They are made of titanium, which is a material that is compatible with the human body. Because of this property, dental implants fuse with the jawbone and create a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth.

If you are thinking about getting dental implants in Basingstoke, it is important that you schedule a consultation appointment in order to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for this treatment. Our experienced dentists will examine your teeth thoroughly and look for signs of gum disease or other problems that could hinder implant surgery. Generally, most people can have dental implants as long as their teeth and gums are healthy and they have enough jawbone to support them.

Part of your consultation appointment will involve answering questions about your expectations. Our dentists may also take x-rays and digital photographs of your teeth in order to have a good idea of your oral health and what treatment with dental implants can give you the best possible results. Patients who may not have enough bone left in their jaw may be eligible for alternative dental implant treatments, such as Teeth In A Day or All-on-4 dental implants.

Finally, this appointment is a great opportunity to ask your dentist any questions you may have on dental implants and discuss your sedation options, if you are particularly nervous about the procedure.